Saturday, January 10, 2009

who new

always looking for inspiration when it comes to making jewelry. this time i unexpectedly stumbled across some really cute items at jcrew and banana republic. i'm not sure why i was so shocked, i usually love the stuff at these fine establishments... nevertheless here they are...

turquoise nugget necklace { banana republic }

stackable rings { banana republic }

mixed metal necklace { banana republic }

braided enamel ring { banana republic }

primrose garden necklace { j.crew }

triple scrolled link bracelet { j.crew }

golden birds nest ring { j.crew }

silk ribbon + chain necklace { j.crew }

1 comment:

  1. yeah- I was a little shocked too! and btw...I am real close to buying that primrose garden necklace- I have gawked at it too many times!
